PanelV(“Name”,”Button Count”, “Keys”,”Labels”)
This creates a vertical panel. You cannot use spaces as part of the names. If you wish to use a space use an underscore instead. You would bind the panels to a key and can bind all panels under 1 key if you choose. Usage: Things to note the keys must be bound. For example […]
PanelH(“name”,”button count”, “keys”,”labels”)
This creates a Horizontal panel. You cannot use spaces as part of the names. If you wish to use a space use an underscore instead. You would bind the panels to a key and can bind all panels under 1 key if you choose. Usage: Things to note the keys must be bound. For example […]
This command will allow your hotkey to be sent across the network to multiple computers running the script. You must have your main pc set as Master and others set as Slave to receive the key. If your main character dies you can toggle the interface button from master to off and switch another pc […]
3 Example Rename Windows
This example is not related to multicontrol and can be used in any kind of AHK script however it may be helpful.
2 Example Melee with Backup Style
This would send any melee windows key 2 and 3. You can setup chain sequences or reactional/positional sequences. You will send the keys in opposite order meaning start at the furthest style out for example if you are a valkyrie and are wanting to do roundhouse and windmill the follow up. You would put Roundhouse […]
1 Example BG Treasurer and lootlevel
Simple hotkey to set bg treasurer and the lootlevel
Used to add a delay between commands Sleep Time example sleep 1000 Usage:
Sends /target activewindow to all background windows
Opens up a prompt for command to be typed to send to all windows Usage:
Can be used with slash command to send active window name or specific name or 1 for active window or type the name Slash(“/target”,”MyCharName”) Slash(“/target”,1) Usage: